Category Archives: Rangefinder

A Kids Perspective

Recently a friend of Serenity’s (my wife) inquired if I would be willing to take a few family pictures.  As much as I enjoy taking pictures, this is still out of my comfort zone.  I don’t envy portrait photographers, there are many things that go into making a great family picture.  For one, you need great lighting and no shadows.  Second, you have to have your subjects position just right so that a proper exposure can be obtained.  Last, trying to coordinate all subjects to look and smile at the camera all at the same time can be especially difficult when dealing with small kids.

The picture below was shot through the opening in the back of a chair.  I wasn’t sure how it was going to turn out but I think it’s what made the shot.  It allowed for me to frame my subjects and also allowed for some candidness.  As you can see, there was no issue in getting their attention.