Downtown Chicago

Re-post May 2011

It was a nice clear night and I was looking for a good shot of downtown Chicago. We walked below the Michigan Ave. bridge crossing the Chicago River. This is a 5 exposure HDR. Initially shot in color, I prefer it in black and white. I hope to return to Chicago soon, it’s my favorite city to travel to.

Almost Walking

This past week has been crazy busy.  I’m currently lecturing at an AO Basics Course (teaching residents how to use implants).  On Sunday, I realized that I had to give a lecture that had not been given before, thus I worked night and day and got it done (gave the lecture about 2 hours ago).

Here is a recent picture of my baby girl.  She has successfully mastered standing with support and you can see from the picture she can easily do it with one hand.  In the past week we find her standing more and more without any support.  I don’t think she has realized that she can successfully do this.  When she does, I’m sure she will be walking all over the place.

ISO 800 1/60 f/.95 50mm noctilux

Washington Monument

It can be a challenge trying to capture shots that are different than others, especially when shooting in popular tourist attractions.  Every time I travel to places like Washington D.C. I take the traditional tourist shots but also try to capture a different perspective.

A friend and I were at the Lincoln Memorial taking pictures and I noticed this couple looking onward towards the Washington Memorial and I snuck up behind them and capture this shot.  I was shooting without a tripod in darkness and was only able to capture this because I was using my 50mm summilux (shot at f/1.4).

ISO 1600 1/12 f/1.4 50mm summilux

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