One Way

It’s a simple interest but if you carefully look, there is a log of symmetry.  Often times this symmetry isn’t noticed until after the image was taken but in this instance I knew I had something immediately prior to composing the shot.

ISO 1600 1/90 sec f.95 50mm (Leica M Monochrom, Leica 50mm noctilux, LR4)

The Hot Dog Man

Recently, I’ve been excited to post pics taken with my Leica M 240.  I still have my Leica M Monochrom and love how it renders black and white pictures.  We were in New Orleans and one evening a friend and I took a walk down Bourbon street.  I was amazed how crazy it was even on a Tuesday night.  It’s definitely, a great town to take pictures.

ISO 1600 1/60 sec f.95 50mm
(Leica M Monochrom, Leica 50mm Noctilux, LR4)

Waiting for Life

I pass these trees everyday on my way to work.  I’ve many times tried to imagine a good shot of them.  This past weekend there was just a faint amount of fog and I stopped my truck and took a few shots.  Initially, I didn’t think I would like the shot with the guard rail but I think it gives the image a more 3D appearance and adds to the symmetry provided by the tree’s.

P.S.  As you can easily notice, there is nothing “alive” wear I live right now.  Hopefully soon, we’ll start seeing some life.

ISO 200 1/350 sec f.95 50mm (Leica M typ 240, Leica 50mm noctilux, LR4)

Man on Fire

We were recently at the circus and the last act was this guy shooting him self across the circus stage.  What I’m mostly impressed about in this picture is the amount of detail in the crowd.  If you click on the picture you can can see the full-size image.

ISO 320 1/250 f.95 50mm (Leica M Monochrom, Leica 50mm noctilux, Lr4)

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