The foggy path

When we lived in Avon Lake, OH we had a small park and walking path behind our house.  Often times after it would snow I would go and try to capture an interesting picture.  Unfortunately, I didn’t take many good ones.  One morning to my surprise, it was foggy and I quickly snuck out to the path and got this.

ISO 125 1/1250 f/2.8 70mm (Canon 5D Mark II)

The snowy path

I’ve noticed on a few occasions that I have posted the same pictures more than once.  This wasn’t done purposely.  I’ve posted more than 130 pictures in the past 7 months and it’s very easy to repost pictures if you don’t file them accordingly.  Tonight, I spent over an hour going through and individually applying keywords (tags) to each of my “blogged” pictures so that I can easily check them off in the future.

This past Thanksgiving weekend my wife, baby girl, and I spend time with her mother and family in Tampa Florida.  We had a great time and really enjoyed the 75 degree and blue sky weather.  Unfortunately, immediately when we landed back in Fort Wayne, it was back to 30 degree weather and rain.  Yesterday, that rain changed to snow and we had our first snow fall of the year.

Last winter, I was driving by an entrance to a country club near my home and really liked the trees and the light snow fall on the pavement.  I stopped and snapped this picture.

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