
My little girl loves watching movies and playing games on our iPad and iPhone.  Anytime she sees the Apple symbol she immediately starts screaming “Apple”.  Her’s a pic of her attempting to use the Apple laptop.

ISO 1600 1/250 sec f.95 50mm (Leica M Monochrom, Leica 50mm noctilux, Lr4)

Where am I heading next

I’ve been shooting the Leica M Monochrom for over a month now and absolutely love it.  I read a lot of reviews on it and most think it is difficult to shoot with.  Honestly, I’m unsure if it’s much different from the M9 other than post processing is a necessity and it has a high learning curve.  I think in the past few weeks I’ve started grasping what needs to be done and have tried to make the pictures a little more “contrasty”.  Here is an example.

 ISO 320 1/1500 sec f.95 50mm (Leica M Monochrom, Leica 50mm noctilux, Lr 4, Aperture 3)


A few weeks ago we headed back home to celebrate my sister-in-law’s birthday.  Her husband successfully surprised her with a gathering of friends and family.  Here is a shot taken from that evening.

ISO 800 1/90 sec f.95 50mm (leica M9, Leica 50mm noctilux, Lr 4, Aperture 3)



Recently, our little girl has learned the word “cheese”.  Anytime I get the camera out, that’s the first words from her mouth.  I only wish she would sit still when she was saying it.

This picture captures one of those very first moments she started saying “cheese”.

ISO 1250 1/125 sec f2 35mm (Leica M Monochrom, Leica 35mm summilux, Lr 4.3, Aperture 3.3)

Bedtime with the cousins

We went home this past weekend to visit with family and celebrate my sister-in-laws 30th birthday. One evening we stayed late at her house and our little girl climbed in to bed with her cousins.  She has not learned that the bed is for resting, she is still very much interested in playing.

ISO 320 1/90 sec f1.4 35mm summilux (Leica M Monochrom, Leica 35mm summilux, Lr 4, Silver Efex Pro 2)

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