Our Future @ 5 months

Our baby girl continues to cooperate when taking her picture on the couch.  I’m thinking her 6 or 7 month picture will have her sitting up.

Wow has she grown!!!

P.S.  I’m using a new slideshow viewer, it should start automatically.  You can hover your mouse over the image and can go back or enlarge it.


2 Replies to “Our Future @ 5 months”

  1. I have enjoyed looking at these pics once in a while when they show up on my home page on face book. What a doll! She is growing by leaps and bounds. Don’t blink…..enjoy every minute! Linc and I didn’t see you, but we heard you were at the game last night?! We forgot to tell you, you were supposed to bring the baby! I have a couple of girls that are baby crazy! Thanks for coming, it meant a lot to Drew. Hope you enjoyed watching.

    1. Catrina, thanks.

      I was on the field with Tracy the trainer and Dr. Cooper (also on Homesteads side for part of the game). Really enjoyed watching Drew play. He has a lot of supporters (coaches etc…) and is a perfect example that you can do anything you want, if you just put forth the effort.

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